We welcome students of all nationalities and backgrounds to our school!

Living in a foreign country can be difficult at the beginning. Mind and Dance provides you with the needed support to integrate yourself in a new country, culture and language. We help with finding affordable German classes for all foreign students, we offer help with German bureaucracy and finding suitable accommodation close to the school.

Professional classes

The professional classes educates young people to become a dancer or dance teacher within three years.

It is our big concern to support our students on their way to the professional field of dance in the best way with the result not just being technically very good, but also becoming independent-minded and acting humans and artists. According to our name, Mind and Dance focuses on mental and emotional development as much as on the technical. Because we are sure only autonomous and fortunate dancers can be successful.

Our team consists of renowned pedagogues, choreographers and dance science experts, who support and work together on every single student’s future.


Year I: Foundation

In the first year the foundations will be set and the imparting of technical knowledge in classical ballet, modern and contemporary dance as well as the discovering of the individual strengths and interests have priority (supplemented with pilates / floor barre / yoga / jazz / theory / improvisation / coaching). At the end of the year students choose to focus their further education on ballet or contemporary dance.

Year II: Buildup

In the second year follows the diversification of the curriculum. Depending on where you set your focus, the timetable will be completed with subjects such as classical or contemporary repertoire, Partnering, advanced contemporary technics and composition.

Year III: Specialising

In graduation year the students dedicate themselves, apart from learning technique and theory, to own projects such as choreographies, written essays and internships. The school’s intention is to support their students as good as possible to start a professional life.


The next audition for the Schoolyear 2025-26 (starting on 15th September 2025) will take place on

Saturday 1.02.2025

To join this audition please mail us the following application form to mindanddance@gmail.com

Application form

We test qualification in classical ballet, modern dance and improvisation followed by one-on-one interviews with all candidates.


For those of you, who are not ale to travel to Nürnberg we offer the possibility of video auditions.

By clicking on the following Button you will find all information needed for the Video Audition.

Video Audition


Private auditions in the school will be possible as of March 2025. Please contact us if you are interested in a private audition.



Mind and Dance – private school for stage dance and educational science of dance
Gleißbühlstraße 12 / 90402 Nürnberg
Telephone: 0911 – 99 23 99

Please send application to mindanddance@gmail.com


  • Stage dance 395,- € per month
  • Stage dance und educational science of dance 445,- €/465,- € per month

The program is qualified for Federal Law on Support in Education.

There is the possibility of scholarships for particularly talented boys and girls. If you are not able to afford the program but still are interested in it, please contact us personally.

Mind And Dance

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